Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Precious Moments

Last week I went into the classroom and noticed one of our chrysalises was being eat by ants :( I cleaned up all the ants, sprayed the table with Windex, and placed fabric softener sheets down so no more ants could get into our butterflies. A little while later I went to my desk to find a little letter from one of the students saying, "Mrs. Martinez, Thank you for saving our butterflies." It's the little things in life that make precious moments.

Today I told a student I was disappointed in their behavior. I didn't understand why they didn't want to listen and constantly wanted to interrupt while I was teaching. I told the student that they needed to think about the choices they were making. I didn't ask for an apology. I didn't say anything else. I just went back to teaching. After the students were all packed up, this one student quietly came over to me and said, "I am sorry Mrs. Martinez." I was completely shocked and for a moment said, "What for?" He then began to tell me. "For my behavior earlier in class this morning." Some students will really surprise you :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Observation 1 and 2

For the 1st observation I created a sequencing lesson off of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, which happened to be one of my favorite books growing up. The students seemed to really enjoy the book. For the activity I created a sequencing booklet where the students would be the illustrator of their own page but then as a group they would have to put the book together. The students worked well together and seemed to enjoy the activity.

Funny moment: I was reading the book to the students and in the story I was asking questions to the students after I would read a page to make sure they were paying attention and to also check for comprehension. One question I asked and I am not sure where this question came from( keep in mind students also had there hands already raised from the previous question).... but I blurted out while my Field Supervisor was in the room...."What would you want to do if some one was being mean to you?" One student threw his hand down and said, "Oh boy.... I'm not answering that one." WOW!! I wanted to seriously laugh out loud but I knew I had to somehow change the question around. And I said, "How "SHOULD" you respond when someone is being mean to you?" After that instance I thought I would surely have bombed the observation but I actually did really well ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day~Day 11


Today was Valentine's Day and My first day to teach my reading lesson. I thought, "It's going to be crazy trying to get their attention on a holiday"... but they didn't do too bad. Actually they were very well behaved. I am going to quickly reflect on my teaching experience because I have an amazing husband who is waiting to take me out to dinner. The lesson went well. After going over the story with the students I told the teacher I was finished and she then started to ask the students a few questions about the story. She asked them, "Has anyone ever been bullied? If so, how did it make you feel?" All the students raised their hands to give their story. I really enjoy being able to see how the teacher asked questions to get the students to relate the story about the dog that was made fun of. Asking a question that the students could relate to really sparked their interest and their enthusiasm about learning.

Today we had our Valentines day party and many of the students gave me cards and candy!!! They made me feel so special :)

My flower one of the students brought me :) Some students are soo thoughtful ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011

First Day Student Teaching

Today was my first day at Connally Primary School in Mrs. Bruner's Second Grade Class. Today, I mostly observed and tried to soak up all the important information. I really enjoyed meeting the class. I was able to introduce myself using my class blog. The students were really good and quite attentive when I told them about myself. Towards the end of the day I found drawings piled on my desks from the students which made me feel very welcomed!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Story I read

Story about a boy named “Teddy Stallard”

Teddy was an unattractive, unmotivated child whose mother died when he was in the third grade. Nobody liked Teddy, including his fifth grade teacher, Miss Thompson. It was Christmas time of Teddy’s fifth grade and the children in Miss Thompson’s class brought her Christmas presents. They piled their presents on her and crowded around to watch her open them. Among the presents was one from Teddy. She was surprised that he had brought her a gift. Teddy’s gift was wrapped in brown paper and was held together with scotch tape. On the paper were written the simple words, “For Miss Thompson from Teddy.” When she opened Teddy’s present, out fell a gaudy rhinestone bracelet, with half the stones missing, and a bottle of cheap perfume.

The other boys and girls began to giggle and smirk over Teddy’s gifts but Miss Thompson at least had enough sense to silence them by immediately putting on the bracelet and putting some of the perfume on her wrist. Holding her wrist up for the other children to smell, she said, “Doesn’t that smell lovely?” And the children taking their cue from the teacher, readily agreed with “oo’s and “ah’s”

At the end of the day when school was over the other children had left, teddy had lingered behind. Slowly he came over to her desk and said softly, “Miss Thompson… Miss Thompson, you smell like my mother… and her bracelet looks real pretty on you, too. I’m glad you like my presents.” When Teddy left, Miss Thompson got down on her knees and asked God to forgive her.

The next day when the children came to school, they were welcomed by a new teacher. Miss Thompson had become a different person. She was no longer just a teacher; she had become an agent of God. She helped all the children especially the slow ones and especially Teddy Stallard. Teddy showed dramatic improvement. He had caught up with most of the students and was even ahead of some. She didn’t hear from Teddy for a long time and then she received a note that read:

Dear Miss Thompson,

I want you to be the first to know. I will be graduating second in my class.


Teddy Stallard

Four years later, another note came:

Dear Miss Thompson,

They just told me I will be graduating first in my class. I wanted you to be the first to know. The university hasn’t

been easy, but I like it.


Teddy Stallard

And four years later;

Dear Miss Thompson,

As of today I am Theodore Stallard M.D. How about that? I wanted you to be the first to know I am getting married next month. I want you to come sit where my mother would sit if she were alive. You are the only family I have now; Dad died last year.


Teddy Stallard

Miss Thompson went to that wedding and sat where Teddy’s mother would have sat. She deserved to sit there; she had done something for Teddy that he could never forget.


I went to Orientation for Student Teaching Last night and it went great!!! I was able to learn the requirements for the class and also meet with my mentoring teacher. She is so nice and I can't wait to start working with her and learning from her. I am also going tonight to learn more about what is expected from us. More information to come later. So far, sooo good :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's This All About?

I am wanting to keep a "Blog" or Journal about my student teaching experience. I believe by being able to talk about my classroom experiences will help me become the successful teacher that I have always dreamed of becoming. I want to be able to be reflective. These are the questions I will ask myself each day: 1. What worked? 2. What didn't 3. What could I have done to be better prepared for the lessons? 4. What could I do to make the lessons better next time? By using this blog and being reflective will allow me the opportunity to grow and learn from these experiences.

I want to back up a little and tell My Story of how I have made it this far, that is, into Student Teaching. Scott and I found out we would be moving and at the time I was in my last year of college. I had changed my major over from Teaching to General Studies because I could finish GS in one year. Teaching on the other hand, would have taken me 2-3 more years is what I was being told. I thought I would have to give up my dream of becoming a teacher, but back in my mind I thought, I can always go back for alternate teacher certification.

Scott and I ended up moving to a town in Texas some people like to refer to as Wacko, Texas. Even our GPS likes to call it that as well. Scott knew what his job would be; Air Traffic Controller, because his job is what moved us to this Beautiful location. On the other hand, I had no idea what I was going to do. For months I looked for office jobs, and there wasn't anything available.

Summer was around the corner and I decided to see what kind of classes were being offered at the local community college. I noticed that an Alternate Teacher Certification Program was going to start and was going to start real soon. In exactly 3 days. I called and talked to the department head and he told me there was no way I was going to get in but he wanted to let me try. I was thinking, "I can do this. I have too." Right then and there, I stopped what I was doing and prayed. I asked God, if this was in His plan, that He would see to it that I got in the program. That day I was able to get my references in, thanks to my wonderful church family at House On The Rock.

I scheduled the acceptance test the next day and passed it, except for the writing part because I forgot to count my words...woops!! I had to reschedule it the next day and retook it and PASSED. I was finally accepted into the Alternate Teachers Certification Program! I give all my thanks to God :)

I walked into class that morning, and I let out a huge sigh of relief. I did it! I made it into the class in just three days. The class many thought I wouldn't be sitting in. I knew what was coming next and that's the part that scared me the most. The teacher tests. I had to pass Texas Content and the PPR. I began preparing by setting up study sessions at MCC. I went once a week. Sometimes even twice a week. I ended up passing them BOTH. Now I am ready to Student Teach.

This is what brings me here. January 24, 25,and 26. I will meet my mentor teacher and learn what our expectations are for this semester of Student Teaching. I am very excited to be here. I give all my thanks to God and my family for being here with me and helping me reach this goal.

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

By using this journal I hope that by being able to reflect on my experiences and that of others will help me become an effective and successful teacher.